Welcome To Nordyk properties
NORDYK as a company has been in business for approaching 15 years, and is run by its two shareholding directors who, together, have over 45 years experience in the engineering industry.
NORDYK started out as an engineering company handling contracts mainly in the wine industry, building cellars. Today, great monuments of our work can be seen at cellars such as Perdeberg, Windmeul, Waboomsrivier and many others all over the wine lands of South Africa.
Gaining lots of experience in construction during these years, we soon started looking for an opportunity to buy our own land to develop and put in the market. The first chance came about ten years ago and since then industrial developments have been done by us at a constant, regular rate.
As the market is now experiencing a huge demand for small industrial units, NORDYK is concentrating all their efforts in that direction. We strive to develop in areas where the economy and industry is in an upward phase so that potential buyers will enjoy excellent capital growth on investment, and where the opportunity for letting is ample to ensure great cash income for the investor.
Apart from making an investment that makes sound financial sense, you can be sure that your steel, mortar and brick interest is well looked after by us. Who can still, after 25 years, not keep our hands off the engineering side of things and still handle the design and building of our own developments.
If you are interested in becoming one of the many happy NORDYK clients, please feel free to contact us.